Distance Calculator

Distance Between Azerbaijan Cities

Distance from Azerbaijan to major cities are listed below, or choose from the list to calculate distance. 41 major city distances are calculated in Azerbaijan country. The GPS coordinates of Azerbaijan is 40° 8´ 35.1780'' N and 47° 34´ 36.9372'' E. Some of the leading cities of Azerbaijan are Baku, Ganja, Sumqayit.

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Distances of Azerbaijan Cities

List of Azerbaijan cities with distance in kilometers.
Visit city distance page to calculate distance to all cities.

Baku to Ganja300 km
Sumqayit to Lankaran216 km
Mingelchaur to Saatli144 km
Sirvan to Nakhchivan312 km
Sheki to Yevlakh64 km
Xankandi to Agdam24 km
Khirdalan to Barda223 km
Xacmaz to Salyan208 km
Dzhalilabad to Shamkhor277 km
Geoktschai to Agdzhabedy71 km
Imishli to Shamakhi98 km
Sabirabad to Fizuli122 km
Agdas to Divichibazar141 km
Haciqabul to Quba151 km
Kyurdarmir to Qazax249 km
Shushi to Neftcala218 km
Zaqatala to Terter145 km
Pushkino to Yelenendorf227 km
Aghsu to Qusar95 km
Ujar to Beylagan83 km

The Nearest Neighboring Countries to Azerbaijan

Distance from Azerbaijan to the nearest countries.
The distance between Azerbaijan and the nearest country Armenia is 216 km.

CountryDistance to Azerbaijan
Armenia216 km
Georgia428 km
Iraq844 km
Syria962 km

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