Distance Calculator

Zug Distances

Zug city is located in Switzerland at the 47.1724, 8.5175 coordinates. Distance from Zug to cities are listed below, also there are 1 sub cities within Zug, click on the city name to find distance between. Distance from Zug to Zurich 22 km, to Geneve 211 km, to Basel 83 km. The green marker indicates the location of Zug.

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Distance Between Zug and Cities

List of distances from Zug to Switzerland cities.

CityDistance to Zug
Zug to Zurich22 km
Geneve to Zug211 km
Basel to Zug83 km
Bern to Zug85 km
Lausanne to Zug161 km
Sankt Gallen to Zug70 km
Luzern to Zug21 km
Schaffhausen to Zug59 km
Fribourg to Zug111 km
Chur to Zug85 km
Neuchatel to Zug122 km
Sitten to Zug137 km
Frauenfeld to Zug52 km
Bellinzona to Zug115 km
Aarau to Zug43 km
Herisau to Zug62 km

Cities in Zug

List of distances from Zug to sub cities (sub divisions).

City NameDistance to Zug
Baar3 km

Distance from Zug to Foreign Cities

Choose a city to calculate distance from Zug to major cities in the world.

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