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Sitten Distances

Sitten city is located in Switzerland at the 46.2291, 7.3594 coordinates. Distance from Sitten to cities are listed below, also there are 2 sub cities within Sitten, click on the city name to find distance between. Distance from Sitten to Zurich 156 km, to Geneve 93 km, to Basel 149 km. The green marker indicates the location of Sitten.

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Distance Between Sitten and Cities

List of distances from Sitten to Switzerland cities.

CityDistance to Sitten
Sitten to Zurich156 km
Geneve to Sitten93 km
Basel to Sitten149 km
Bern to Sitten80 km
Lausanne to Sitten64 km
Sankt Gallen to Sitten203 km
Luzern to Sitten116 km
Schaffhausen to Sitten190 km
Fribourg to Sitten66 km
Chur to Sitten180 km
Neuchatel to Sitten91 km
Sitten to Zug137 km
Frauenfeld to Sitten188 km
Bellinzona to Sitten128 km
Aarau to Sitten139 km
Herisau to Sitten195 km
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