Distance Calculator

Distance Between Bouvet Island Cities

Distance from Bouvet Island to major cities are listed below, or choose from the list to calculate distance. The GPS coordinates of Bouvet Island is 54° 25´ 23.5164'' S and 3° 24´ 47.4984'' E. .

The Nearest Neighboring Countries to Bouvet Island

Distance from Bouvet Island to the nearest countries.
The distance between Bouvet Island and the nearest country South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is 2552 km.

CountryDistance to Bouvet Island
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands2552 km
South Africa3076 km
Lesotho3400 km
Namibia3718 km
Swaziland3853 km
Botswana3987 km
Falkland Islands4069 km
Saint Helena4348 km
French Southern Territories4396 km

Click on the city name to list the sub cities within the major city, and calculate the distance between cities.