Distance Calculator

Kano Distances

Kano city is located in Nigeria at the 12.0001, 8.5167 coordinates. Distance from Kano to cities are listed below, also there are 4 sub cities within Kano, click on the city name to find distance between. Distance from Kano to Ibadan 721 km, to Kaduna 202 km, to Port Harcourt 820 km. The green marker indicates the location of Kano.

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Cities in Kano

List of distances from Kano to sub cities (sub divisions).

City NameDistance to Kano
Wudil41 km
Gaya54 km
Rano51 km
Gwarzo64 km

Distance from Kano to Foreign Cities

Choose a city to calculate distance from Kano to major cities in the world.

Recent Comments
Adamu musa 2024-07-19 04:13:27

Thanks a lot and with hope you provide me with the driving distance from kano city to 44 LGAs within the state

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